West Sumatra Earthquake :The loss of 30 elementary school students in Pariaman Post Earthquake

A total of 30 elementary school students in Padang Pariaman State 14, until now his fate is unknown. They are known to disappear after the earthquake which occurred on Wednesday afternoon, 30 September 2009.

At that time, it was shown at 17:00 Wib, according to the principal of SDN 14 Padang Pariaman, last known they are still doing the teaching and learning activities.

But not yet known for sure, if they had avoided or been buried under the ruins of school buildings during the earthquake.

"I do a search, but until now not been found and so far lost 30 of our students," said antv Usmar told reporters at the scene, Tuesday, October 6, 2009.

However, Usmar estimates that 30 students, buried in landslides during the earthquake, and the worst possible moment they are not alive anymore.

That is, if the condition of school buildings that have been razed to the ground, so that can not be reached and teaching and learning activities can not be done.

They hope, in the near future the government to soon build an emergency school to accommodate students affected by the earthquake victims. "Hopefully next Friday's emergency school construction, so that our students can be active again," he said.

Until now, evacuation teams parachuted from plus, and even has revealed four heavy equipment to dredge the soil and building rubble pile of victims is estimated at hundreds of people.

Report: Indra Josef | Pariaman (antv)
source : http://nasional.vivanews.com/news/read/94757-hilangnya_30_murid_sd_di_pariaman_pasca_gempa

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